Idaho Council of Teachers of  



5 Strategies to Ensure All Students Think Mathematically

  • 22 Oct 2024
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Zoom



5 Strategies to Ensure All Students Think Mathematically

ICTM Webinar with Amy Lucenta and Grace Kelemanik

Creating classrooms where all students engage in powerful mathematical reasoning requires us to keep the focus on the thinking, step out of the middle of classroom interactions and create more student-to-student discourse, and support productive struggle. In this session, participants will learn five high-leverage teaching strategies that will get and keep all students engaged in meaningful mathematics.

Grace Kelemanik and Amy Lucenta have extensive K-12 mathematics experience with a focus on developing mathematical thinking in all students, particularly in historically marginalized students. As former classroom teachers, coaches, and pre-service educators, they support teachers, districts, and educational collaborative organizations to transition their curriculum and pedagogy to reflect current mathematics education research through professional development and coaching. Grace and Amy are co-authors of Routines for Reasoning: Fostering Mathematical Practices in All Students and Teaching for Thinking: Fostering Teaching Practices through Reasoning Routines. Follow them both on Twitter @GraceKelemanik @AmyLucenta

5:30 PM MST - 7:00 PM MST

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